Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1


Giose Rimanelli was born in Casacalenda

in 1926 and has been living in the United

States for the past thirty years, where he has

taught in several universi-ties: Yale, Los

Angeles, Albany. Having become known as

one the most interesting young Italian

writers of the Fifties with the publication of

novels such as Tiro al piccione [The Day of the

Lion], Milan 1953, 2nd edition Turin, 1991;

Peccato originale [Original Sin], Milan 1954;

Biglietto di terza [Third-class Ticket], Milan

1958; Una posizione sociale [A Social Position],

Florence 1959; he has contributed regularly

to periodicals and journals, with an

occasional foray into cinema as a

screenwriter. His non-conformism,

maladjust-ment and lack of caution with

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