Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

autobiography, Molise Molise, Isernia 1979,

then with the Italian poetry of Arcano,

Salerno, 1990, has unavoidably brought him

back to dialect, with a marked preference for

the dialect song (Moliseide, Campobasso

1990; Moliseide, New York 1992 [Trilingual


Criticism: V. Colby, in World Authors,

New York 1985; E. Bedé, in Columbia

Dictionary of Modern European literature, New

York 1980; L. Bonaffini, introduction to

Moliseide, New York 1992; L. Reina, in Il Belli,

n. 5, December 1992; G. Faralli, in Poesia

dialettale del Molise, Isernia 1993.

With Giose Rimanelli’s poetry Molisan

literature in dialect is radically emancipated

from the shackles of that provincial

“peculiarity” inevitably determined by the

history of the region (cf. the Introduction to

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