Dialect Poetry of Southern Italy (Italian Poetry in Translation Book 2)

(Marcin) #1

Quirino Lucarelli (Trasacco), with Ratiche de

paese [Town Roots], 1987; Romolo Liberale

(S. Benedetto dei Marsi), with Ce vo’ ne

munne gnove [We Need a New World], 1953

and Le stagioni [Seasons], 1981; Aldo Aimola

(Guardiagrele), with Accante a lu fôche [Next

to the Fire], 1982; Renzo Paris (Celano), with

Vajjulitt’ [Little Boy], 1983.

Very common, finally, is also the

confessional-elegiac tendency, grounded in

the regret for a world irremediably lost, with

habits and customs evoked with

undescribable anxiety and tenderness, with a

language that adheres to realistic details

while venturing into the sphere of dream

and imagination. Here too we can only

provide a few names: Guido Giuliante, from

Pennapiedimonte, with Rozì (1956),

L’addore de lu nide [The Smell of the Nest],

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