hypoxia 206
irrigation 204,374,409
oil fields 433
overfishing 262-263, 340, 360, 409,
pesticides in the Caspian Sea 216
poaching 216, 322, 332, 396, 409,
pollution 204-205, 215-216, 227,
262-263, 322, 340-341, 364, 366,
374-375, 377, 396, 409, 427
Polyodon spathula279, 282-287
and population vulnerability 399, 427
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus 296
sea levels in the Caspian 216
trawling for fish 205
in the Volga River 209, 215-216
Volgograd Dam 209
water losses 204, 374-376, 382, 429
antorbital bone 55, 83
Apalachicola River, dams in 340
conservation recommendations 411,
see also under reproduction; natural
history in individual taxa
Acipenserspp. 158, 378-379
hydrological changes 374-376, 382,
Aral Sea
Aral Sea ship sturgeon seeAcipenser
artificial reproduction 412
Acipenser brevirostrum 323
Acipenserdabryanus 262
Acipenser oxyrinchus 343-345
Acipenser sinensis 243
Acipenser sturio 361-363, 365-367
Acipenser transmontanus 266-269
in Delaware River 343
hatcheries in the Caspian Basin 215
and inbreeding 395
Psephurus gladius 267
Pseudoscaphirhynchus kaufmanni 378
in the Volga River 215
Asia, biogeography of Acipenseriformes 62
ASMFC (Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
Commission) recommendations and
regulations 343-345
Atlantic region, speciation ofAcipenser 128
Atlantic States Marine Fisheries
Atlantic Sturgeon Aquaculture and Stocking
Committee 344
Atlantic sturgeon seeAcipenser oxyrinchus;
Acipenser sturio
barbels 49, 63
basipterygial process 58, 90
basitrabecular process 49, 93-95
beluga see Huso huso
benthic adaptation
of Acipenseridae 75, 118
feeding 59, 119
ofPseudoscaphirhynchus 123
scales 119, 121
ofScaphirhynchus 123
feeding adaptations 119
locomotion adaptation 121
morphological characters 46-52,
benthophagy, evolution of 59
Berg, L. S., career of 15-20
54-55, 58, 78, 83, 85-87, 89-93,
101-104, 107, 115-116
bester 72 systematics 35
biofiltration, in the Danube Delta 204
biogeography 19, 34, 167-181, 174-175
Acipenser41, 43, 128,158
Acipenser brevirostrum 3 19-320
Acipenser fulvescens 300-303, 311
of fossil forms 171-174, 179
and phylogenetic analysis 62-63, 149
†Chondrosteus acipenseroides 35
†Chondrosteus hindenbergii 35
circumorbital bones 114
CITES (Convention on International Trade in
Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora) 429, 433
characters under individual taxa
cladistic studies 28, 45-48, 76, 145-157
clavicle 89, 114
cleithrum 55, 1 16
Columbia River,Acipenser transmontanusin
comb jellyfish see Mnemiopsis leidyi
Congaree Riverdams 340
Connecticut River
see also biogeography; natural history cladistic characterssee morphological
under individual taxa:
biogeography 171, 173, 179
morphological characters 46-47, 52
synapomorphy 46-47
systematics 34, 47
Acipenserspp 159
anthropogenic impacts 205-206
comb jellyfish, invasion of 206
the northwestern shelf 205
†Birgeria 33
Black Sea 390, 413-414
Acipenser brevirostrumin 321,
dams 329, 340
spawning in 179
conservation 409-414
Acipenser brevirostrum 332-333
geology 180, 204 324-325, 329-330
border rostral bones 99-100
branchial skeleton 58, 105
branchiostegals 50-52, 54-58, 86, 114-115 Acipenser dabryanus 263
bycatch 332, 339 Acipenserfulvescens 316
Canada, fishery regulation inAcipenser
oxyrinchus (^343) Acipenser sinensis 253
Cape Fear River,Acipenser brevirostrumin
cardiac shield 55, 87
Caribbean Conservation Corporation 345
Caspian Sea
Acipenser oxyrinchus 342-345
Acipenser sturio 367
in the Amur River 245-246, 253
applied technology 429
aquaculture 411, 415
ASMFC 344-345
and dams 414
in the Danube River 206
flow management 414
habitat protection 411-412, 415
museum collections 429
planning 41 1
species identification 429
stocking 429
in the Yangtze River 253-254
Acipenser persicus in 158
anthropogenic impacts 210, 214-217
reproduction 214-216 and fisheries 404, 411, 415
sturgeons in 209, 310, 433
caudal peduncle 115
caviar 422
economics 342
poaching 423- (^427) Psephurus gladius267-268
Central Asia, anthropogenic impacts 44
cheek bone loss 60
chemoreceptors, evolution of 63
Chesapeake Bay, Acipenser brevirostrum in
China-western North America, speciation of
Chinese paddlefish seePsephurusgladius
Chinese sturgeon seeAcipenser sinensis
†Cheirolepis33, 47, 52
continental drift 169
322 coracoid shelf 89, 116
Acipenser (^128) biogeography 171
†Crossopholis magnicaudatus (Green River
paddlefish) 28, 38
feeding adaptations 1 19
chondrichthyans, relationship to sturgeons 26 morphological characters 50, 78,
† 85-87, 89, 91-3, 101, 103
Chondrosteidae 174 systematics 36, 38-39
biogeography 169, 179
morphological characters 51
phylogeny 26, 171
systematics 35, 51, 74
biogeography 173
culturesee artificial reproduction
cytochrome b (mitochondrial) gene 141-144
dams 318, 409, 427
in the Altamaha River 329
in the Amu Darya River 374
in the Amur River 250-251
†Chondrosteus26, 35