51813_Sturgeon biodioversity an.PDF

(Martin Jones) #1
fishery 340 natural history 361- 367 phylogeny 51-53, 171
Gulf Sturgeon Recovery/Management restoration 367 systematics 50- 53
mtDNAvariation391 status 203, 359, 361, 364-365, 367 morphological characters 46-49, 52, 58
natural history 336- 338 taxonomy 154, 159 phylogeny 32
pollution341 Acipenser transmontanus (white sturgeon) systematics 33
status 336, 343,394, 412 43,406 Alabama sturgeon see Scaphirhynchus
stock identification 390- 391 caviar poaching 423- 426 suttkusi
taxonomy 159,386 in the Columbia River 390,413- 414 Alabama River 418- 419
fishery 411,414
gametogenesis 269- 271

Plan 343 in the Rioni River 359,365 Actinopterygii

Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus (Atlantic

Acipenser persicus(Persian sturgeon) 220

Alazeya River, Acipenser baeriiin 225
sturgeon) 159,336,386 in the Fraser River 390 Altamaha River
in the Caspian Sea 209 hormones and reproduction 275 330
taxonomy158 mtDNAgenome 386 dams 329
Acipenser ruthenus (sterlet) 39, 43,72 natural history 179, 265–276
in the AmurRiver 231- 232 neurendocrine control of reproduction
inthe DanubeRiver 185, 192- 195 273–275 Amia
fishery 195 stock identification 389- 390 morphological characters 52, 86-87,
natural history 169, 177,195 taxonomy 159 90,93
spawningrivers 169 Acipenseridae as outgroup 142
status 195 anatomical studies of 39 variation in 29
systematics41 benthicadaptation 118- 121 Amiidae (bowfins),systematics33
taxonomy 41, 158 biogeography 118, 179 amphidromy 177-178,323


American shovelnose sturgeons see

Acipenser schrenckii (Amur sturgeon) 156, in the Black Sea 201, 205
in the Caspian Sea Basin 216- 217
in the Amur River 231-232, 244 characteristics and extinction status
fishery231-232, 237 356 Acipenser nudiventrisin 378
natural history 236-237,244-245, cladistic analysis 41,74, 116- 123 anthropogenic impacts 374-375, 377
status 232,237,253 122 - 124 Pseudoscaphirhynchusin44- 45
taxonomy 158–159 fossil history 26 Amur River
morphological characters 50-52,
natural history 119,407- 409 248 - 250
osteological studies 46-58, 77- 1 16
pectoral fin spines of 121
peramorphy 122- 123

ampullary bones 107
ampullary organs 64, 121
Amu-Darya River


250 - 251 evolutionary interrelationships 74,76, dams 374

Acipensersinensis(Chinesesturgeon) 241, Acipenser schrenckiiin 128, 156, 158,
243 54 - 58,77- 116 177, 231-238, 240, 244-245,
conservation efforts 253
natural history 248- 252 conservationefforts in 245- 246
taxonomy 158 paedomorphosis 118, 122- 123 dams 250- 251
in the Yangtze River 158,177,251- 253 fishery 41, 232-232,245
Acipenserspp. pelvic fin origination 50 geography 233-234,244
in the Hudson River 356 Huso dauricusin 128,231–238
status 400 phylogeny 64–65,74, 116-124, 128, Husospp. in 180
taxonomy 158- 160 137 - 139, 149, 171 relict fauna 19
Acipenserstellatus(stellatesturgeon) 208 primitive condition 75
biogeography 180 reproduction 408–409 sturgeons in 231- 232
in the Caspian Sea 209,214 respiratoryadaptation 120
in the Danube River 185, 195-196,203 rostral expansion 120 - 121
fishery 196,210,213- 214 soft-tissue characters 77 individual taxa
natural history 196,213 synapomorphy 46
status 196, 203 systematics 17-18, 26-45, 64-65, 74 Androscoggin River, dams 340
stock identification 389- 390 Acipenseriformes anterior ceratohyal bone92
taxonomy 158 biogeography 34,62–63 anthropogenic impacts 409,411
in the Ural River 213 cladistic studies 28,45- 48 Acipenser baerii 221
in the Volga River 209, 213 fossil history26-39, 179- 180 Acipenser brevirostrum 322

spawning in 234-236, 245
anadromy 61, 177- 180
see also under natural history of
anamestic bones 83, 101, 114, 123

Acipenser srurio(European Atlantic molecular analysis 144, 385-396, Acipenser fulvescens 303 - 305
sturgeon) 43, 184,364 421 - 422 bycatch 322, 332, 339
anthropogenic impacts 360, 364, 366 morphological characters 46- 58 Central Asia 44

artificial reproduction 361-363, osteology32,46- (^58) comb jellyfish invasion 206
365 - 367 phylogeny 26, 29, 33-34,45-48, dams 191, 209, 251, 263, 322, 340,
biogeography 180- 181 122 - 123,127-133,144,171 348, 360, 364, 409, 412-413,
in the Danube River 185,203 reproduction 265 418 - 421, 427, 433
distribution 359- 361 systematics 25–45, 47 in the Danube region 203- 204
fishery 364 taxonomy 64 deforestation 203
in France 359- 367 Acipenserinae, jaws 119 dredging 322, 331
geneticvariation 387 Acipenseroidei eutrophication in the Black Sea 205
in the Gironde River 359, 363- 364 morphological characters 46, 51-53, 55 gravel excavation 204, 360

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