Scarcity and surfeit : the ecology of Africa's conflicts

(Michael S) #1

238 Scarcity and Surfeit

Cf. R Dyson-Hudson, and J T McCabe, South lhrkana Nomadism: Coping With
an Unpredictably Varying Environment, Ethnography series FL 17-001, Human
Relations Area Files, New Haven, Ct., 1985.
Southall, op cit, p 475 and Lienhardt, op cit, p 99.
P C Salzman, 'Towards a Balanced Approach to the Study of Equality', Current
Anthropology, no 42,2001, p 41.
I Scones, (ed)., Living With Uncertainty: New Directions in P'toml Development
in Africa, lntermediate Technologies Publications, London, 1995.
R R Atkinson, The Origins of the Acholi of Uganda, Fountain Publishers,
Kampala, 1994 and R Herring, 'The Influence of Climate on the Migration of the
Central and Southern Luo: In Ogot, op cit.
F M Deng, War of Visions: Conflict of Identities in the Sudan, The Brookings
Institute, Washington D.C., 1995.
Herring, op cit, p 80.
Dinka clans in upper Bahr a1 Ghazal can still identify the 'mark' of captured
Arabs integrated into their lineages.
In the north, the stage was being set for a protracted struggle between the charis-
matic leaders of mystical tariqa and the forces of international Islamic reform.
K M Barbour, TheRepublic of Sudan, University of London Press, London, 1961,
pp 243-245.
The term 'towns' is a misrepresentative in most cases.
Kelly, op cit, pp 63 and 72.
Ibid, p 278 note 33.
Barbour, op cit, p 240.
Kelly, op cit, p 98.
J O'Brien, "Power and the Discourse of Identity in Sudan" in M A Salih and
J Markakis (eds.), Ethnicity and the State in Eastern Africa, Nordiska
Afrikainstitutet, Uppsala, 1998, p 69.
S Harrigan with C C Chol, TheSouthem Sudan Vulnerability Study. Nairobi: Save
the Children, UK, Nairobi, 1998.
D Johnson, 'The Sudan People's Liberation Army & the Problem of Factionalism',
C Clapham, (ed.), African Guerrillas, James Currey, Oxford, 1998, pp 65-6.
P A Nyaba, The Politics of Liberation in South Sudan: An Insider's View,
Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 1997.
Operation Lifeline Sudan is a consortium of relief agencies operating in south
P Goldsmith, 'Analysing Sudan's Civil War - Implications for Peace Work and
Conflict Management.' Paper Prepared for Oxfarn Southern Sudan Program, 2000.
Lind, Kitevu, and Huggins, op cit.
Goldsmith, op cit.
CIA Factbook 2001.
See, for example, P Blaikie, T Cannon, I Davis and B Wisener, At Risk: Natural
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United Nations Development Programme, Human Development Report. New
York, 1999.
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