Oil and Water in Sudan 239
56 Carnegie Endolvment for International Peace, Commission on Preventing Deadly
Conflict, Washington D.C., 1997, p xxxii.
57 P Collier. Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and Their Implications for Policy.
World Bank, Washington D.C., 2000, p 7.
58 World Bank, 'World Bank Group Activities in the Extractive Industries, World
Bank Mining Depanment/Oil Gas and Chemicals Department. 2001. Mimm.
59 World Commission on Dams, Dams and Development: A New Framework for
Decision Making, Earthscan, London, 2001.
60 K McPhail, 'How Oil. Gas and Mining Projects Can Contribute to Development'.
Finance and Development, no 37, 2000.
61 Fafo. 'The economies of conflict: private sector activities and armed conflicts:
http://www.fafo.no/piccfr/ecocon.htm. Waelde, T.. International goad governance and
civilized conduct among the states of the Cospian Region: Oil & Gas as a lever for
Prosperity or Conflict, Centre for Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy,
Dundee, 2000.
62 N Onishi and N. Banejee:Chad's Wait for its Oil Riches May Be Long', in NEW
York Times, 2001.
63 P Collier, Economic Causes of Civil Conflict and Their Implications for Policy,
World Bank, Washington D.C., 2000, p 21.
64 United Nations, S/2001/357 Report of the Panel of Experts on the Illegal
Exploitation of Natural Resources and Other Forms of Wealth of the Democratic
Republic of Congo, 2001.
65 This section draws heavily from C Lado. 'The Political Economy of Oil Discover),
and Mining in the Sudan: Constraints and Prospects on Development'. University
of the Western Cape, Belville. 2000.
66 Global conventional oil reserves are believed to be approximately l 000 billion
barrels of oil, of which approximately two-thirds are located in the Middle East
and Africa.
67 < http://www.sudanupdate.org>.
68 lbid.
69 lbid. Raising the stakes: Oil and conflict in the Sudan, 2001.
70 J Harker, 'Human Security in Sudan: The Report of a Canadian Assessment
Mission', Department of Foreign Affairs and international Trade (DFAIT). Otlarva,
2000, p 10.
71 < http://www.sudanupdate.org>.
72 By Talisman Energy, among others. See Harker, op cit. The 'Harkei Mission was
given the mandate by then-Foreign Affairs Minister Lloyd Axwonhy "to: (a) inde-
pendently investigate human rights violations in relation to slavery and slaveiy-
like practices in the Sudan; and @) to investigate ... the alleged link between oil
development and human rights violations':
73 Harkewp cit, p 10.
74 lbid, p 11.
75 US Committee for Refugees, Mid Year Country Repon - Sudan. Washington:
USCR, 2001.
76 Harker, p 11.
77 US Committee for Refugees, op cit.