Spihg Blood over Water? The Case of Ethiopia 315
95 Roland Sims, then Director, GOAL-Ethiopia, Addis Ahaba interviewed May 2001.
96 Yirgalem Assegid, Consultant, FARM-Africa Afar Project, Addis Ababa inter-
viewed May 2001; and Nicol et al, op cit.
97 lbid.
98 ibid; and A G Mariam, 1999, op cit.
99 Nicol et at, 2000, p 30.
100 lhid.
101 F Gadamu, Arid Land and the Role of Pastoral Nomads in the Economic and
Political Integration of the Horn of Africa with Particular Reference to Ethiopia.
Ethiopian international Institute for Peace and Development (EIIPD). Occasional
Paper Series 16, Addis Ababa, 2001.
102 Fox, op cit.
103 Assegid, op cit.
104 G Huqqaa, Gada: The Ommo ltaditional, Economic and SocioPolitical System.
The 37" Gumii Gaayo Assembly, Nonvegian Church Aid, Addis Ahaha, 1997.
105 Gadamu, op cit.
106 Mariam, op cit, p 373.
107 Nicol et al, op cit, p 30.
108 Sims, op cit; Nicol et al, op cit; A Gebre 1997, 1999, op cit: and Said, Cold Water
Wars, Al-Ahram Weekly Online. 2001. < http://www.ahram.org.eg /weekly/2001/531/
special.htm >
109 Fox, op cit.
110 Nicol et al, op cit.
111 Mariam, op cit.
112 Assegid, op cit.
113 D Asfaw, Large-scale Agricultural Development and Survival Issues among
Pastoralists in the Awash Valley, Paper presented at the Conference on
Pastoralism in Ethiopia, 4-6 February 1993, Addis Ababa, Published by Institute
for Sustainable Development. Addis Ababa. 1996. p 67.
114 Said, op cit, 126.
115 M Bryden, Concept Paper Outline of a Proposed Strategy for UiVICEF Engagement
in Ethiopia's Afar Region, Document for UNDP-EUE (Emergency Unit for
Ethiopia), 1996a. <www.africa.upenn.edu/eue-web/afarla.htm> Accessed:
7 June, 2001.
116 Guinand, op cit.
117 Ali Mirah Helem, Afar Pastoralist Development Association (APDA). Addis Ababa
interviewed September 2001.
118 Bryden, 1996, op cit.
119 WWDSE, op cit.
120 WWDSE 2000
121 John Davies, Veterinary Project Manager, Action Contre la Faim Afar Programme
interviewed in Addis Ababa in May 2001.
122 Sims, op cit.
123 Michael Jacobs, Range Ecologist in USA, previously worked in Awash National
Park.. Ouestionnaire. received Julv 2001.
124 Ali Mireh Helem, op cit.