(Darren Dugan) #1
"¿:Sô' DRô^3 WÔu (§^2 ú]ô ®T^3 d§)
Examples of "With, Without" -sentences with 'Nheena' (3rd Vibakti)

  1. U:Çu T² ¿:Sô ́q]. (U:Çu T²aôp ́úYôn) (Without water fishes can't live)

  2. ÖÏ^3 Ú Õô^3 j ¿:Sô ùWôúPô^3 ¬v. (ÖÏ^3 Ú Õô^3 jaôp NSØRô^3 uúaôn) (Without milk child crys)

  3. ©púXôp ùWfN ¿:Sô Wô:]ôu. (ùWfNaôp ©púXôÛd L[npYôn) (Children be With shout)

  4. Lô^3 n ùLô^3 Yj Lô^2 Sô Wô:] (ùLô^3 YjL^2 Éaôp Lô^3 «d L[npYôn) (With grass eating, we know cow)

  5. ùRô^3 Ï^3 ùWô Rô^3 i¥^3 ¿:Sô Np]. (ùRô^3 Ï^3 ùWô Rô^3 i¥^3 aôp NúXôn) (Oldman can't walk without stick)

  6. Yôa] ùNdáo ¿:Sô _ô]. (ùNdáoaôp Yôa] _ôn) (Vehicles can't go without wheel)

¾^3 ùRôWu LoU YôdV "¡'@kR LoUTR^3 DRô^3 WÔu
(Example sentences of suffixing "ki" that relates two things which done one after another.)
×sù[ô TpNS

  1. £SdùLô TôPm ùNj^3 úYôùWv, T¬ùb -dúLôùWv. (Student reads lession, writes exam)
    £SdùLô TôPm ùNj^3 Åd¡ T¬ùb -dúLôùWv. (Student read lession then he writes exam)

  2. ¡¬ùô ×^4 n Õ^3 uú]ôùWv, Rô^3 uVm ©dLúPô^3 ùWv. (Farmer is farming land, cultivating grains.) ¡¬ùô ×^4 n Õ^3 uÉd¡, Rô^3 uVm ©dLúPô^3 ùWv. (Farmer is farmed land, then cultivating grains.)

  3. Yj^3 Vôo TôPm £SdLúPô^3 ùWv, ×v¡² ×úNôSùWv. (Teacher teaches lession, asking question.)
    Yj^3 Vôo TôPm £SdLh¥¡, ×v¡² ×úNôSùWv. (Teacher teacheed lession then asking question.)

  4. ̧xÔ ùWjÕd ¶l^3 T^3 úP^3 v, @o_ýàd DTúR^3 úNSv. (Krishna stops charriot, and teaches)
    ̧xÔ ùWjÕd ¶l^3 T^3 h¥¡, @o_ýàd DTúR^3 úNSv. (Krishna stopped charriot and then teaches)

  5. -dLôo ùL^2 ² -dúLô¬v, au]q NmT^3 gúNô¬v. (Writer writes story, earn money)
    -dLôo ùL^2 ² -d ̧d¡, au]q NmT^3 gúNô¬v. (Writer wrote story, then earn money)

  6. Yô]o Tsù[ô Lô^2 ojùR, R^4 úUôojùR. (Monkey eats fruit, runs)
    Yô]o Tsù[ô úL^2 j¡, R^4 úUôojùR. (Monkey ate fruit, then runs)

  7. ÖÏ^3 Ú T^3 l^3 ° UúLô^3 ¬v, ùWôúPô^3 ¬v. (Child asks toy, cries)
    ÖÏ^3 Ú T^3 l^3 ° U ̧^3 d¡, ùWôúPô^3 ¬v. (Child asked toy, then cries)

  8. Tô^3 ùL^2 ² NSeúLô^3 ùWv, ×v¡² ×úNôSùWv. (Grandpa tells story, asks questions.)
    Tô^3 ùL^2 ² NSe ̧^3 d¡, ×v¡² ×úNôSùWv. (Grandpa told story, then asks questions.)

  9. LnXôu LúPôWôv, akR^3 l ùLWWôv. (Vegetables are cutted, cooking is going on)
    LnXôu Lh¥¡, akR^3 l ùLWWôv. (Vegetables are cutted, then cooking is going on)

  10. Õª SôÑùLô^2 hPôd^3 ́Vôv, Sôf £SVôv. (You are gone to theatre, watched cinema)
    Õª SôÑùLô^2 hPôd^3 ú_¥^3 , Sôf £SVôv. (You are gone to theatre, then watched cinema)

  11. ùR] ùLô^4 mùUô ÕúWv, Tôn Õ^4 qùXv. (He entered into house, washes his legs.)
    ùR] ùLô^4 mùUô Õo-, Tôn Õ^4 qùXv. (He entered into house, then washes his legs.)

_ô¬v #> ú_¥^3
@úYô¬v #> @q¥^3

¶l^3 À^3 ¬v #> ¶l^3 ©^3 -
R^4 h^3 úP^3 ¬v #> R^4 h^3 ¼^3 ¥^3

úaô¬v #> ùaôn
ùR^4 úWô¬v #> ùR^4 o-
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