(Darren Dugan) #1

  1. Lôp ª ûL úL^2 u. # I does not had any food yesterday.
    ùRà ùWôqYùV ùUs[ ¡^2 Vôu. # They did not eat even a bit.
    @mùT^3 h^3 ¡^3 ùR^4 ne ̧^2 u. # Our daughter did not eat curd-rice.

  2. L^2 Yô]ôjùR, JW ùRô^3 l^3 À^3 dùL. # Whichever you can not able to eat, place it in a corner.
    L^2 YúVjùR, ùLj^3 §^3 d^3 Lô^2 .#You can eat; how much you need. ( not all)

  3. L^2 ]ôo @v¡u L^2 ùYô. # Who ever wants to eat, are welcome.
    ¾^2 u ùR]ôm úL^2 jùR] úLôu? # Among you three, who ate that?
    ̧^2 jùR] úLôu ùU² NSeá^3 dÏùYô. # You have to tell me, one who ate among you.
    ¡^2 VôjùR _R DWôq ©^2 ¬h^3 _ým ùR^2 ùYô. # Place the remaining food in Fridge.

  4. ª ùRôùLô^3 aj^3 Õ^3 ùL^3 iúPm R° L^2 YÓ^3 .# I will feed you after helf an hour.

  5. Õ ùNSdúLôo ùU² ah®- Áh úL^2 dùLôn. # Be watchful, else you eat Salt instead

  6. ùUôùLô^3 _ýdÏ L^2 Yn ́v]ô.. Wô§ úY[! # Mindlessly I ate more at night!
    @Uôv ùRkÕô^3 v Ye¡^3 L^2 Yn ́v]ô! # I am not to eat brinjal on new-moon day, but I ate!

  7. Lôn ̧^3 , ®hPúVjùR ùU² L[]ô úL^2 d¡v! # By accidently, I ate bad smelled food.
    ùLô^3 ° úTô^3 iPô^3 m úNSjùR ùTô^3 vùXô ùUôùLô^3 L^2 Yn ́u ùU² ahúYô¬v. # I assume
    that I was not ate mutton-piece in the Veg-ball.

  8. ¡jùLôùV úR^3 Õuàd L^2 Yù]ô ùRôùLô^3 .#Be ready, You have to eat whatever quantity

  9. @jR ª ùRôùLô^3 Uj§ L^2 YhÓÏ. # I warn you that I feed soil to you.
    ̧^2 NôS Ys¥ ùa¥^3 aà. # If you eat, I beat you by stick.

  10. ¡^2 úV ùLj^3 §^3 d^3 ×^2 wû_, TôPRô^2 - d^3 _ô. # Leave eating and go to school.
    ¡^2 VôjùRà @v¡ ̈¡^3 s¥^3 Vôv. # Whoever eaten are went.

  11. ùRô^4 q[ô#ùSô¡^3 Ãd^2 @mT^3 h ùL^2 núX W:ù]ô ùU² XL^3 ¬v. # The pregnent lady always
    wants to eat sour things.
    @ª ùLù[ôLô^3 ... úL^2 dùLôWô:u # We goes on eat bananas.

  12. @jRô úL^2 £S; Tù_ ùUú]j aôj aýe¡^3 NôS# Now only I ate; If you doubt, smell my hand/
    ª úNSv]; §] ×s[ Tk¾^3 ê ̧^2 £S.# I saw her on first-round eating.
    ùRà ¡^2 VôvLô? Je... @v¡u ¡^2 Vô£S.# Will they ate? Yes... all of them ate.

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