(WallPaper) #1

The human also requires gratification of his sexual needs through which he
procreates. This enables his offspring to inherit from him when he dies. Allah is the
creator and sustainer of the universe and everyone is reliant upon him, he created
from nothing and did not require any assistance or support and His kingdom is an
eternal one.

It is clear therefore that the doctrine of the divinity of Jesus is unacceptable for
anyone with a sound mind to consider because of the huge disparity between
divinity and humanity.

2) The call to the begotten Son of God.

As indicated previously, the Christian belief that God has a begotten son as was
mentioned in Christian scripture. It has already been presented that this concept is
completely rejected and baseless as human beings and animals are the only things
that are given birth to. So, how does one associate this lowly act to the Lord of the
heavens? This understanding regarding the born Son of God has lead to
discrimination and racism even amongst the ranks of the Christians. One finds the
white Christians consider themselves above the non-European black Christians even
if they belong to the same church or denomination.

The reason for this dispute is that they claim that their Lord and savior had
European characteristics like blonde hair, blue eyes and white skin and anything
other than that is inferior.

An example of this would be in the South African protestant churches with a
congregation consisting of black Africans and Europeans from Holland who pray

3) Belittling God and blaming Him

As previously mentioned the book the Christians call the Bible consists of the Old
Testament and the New Testament and so the Christians attribute to God what the
Jews attributed to God before them.

An example of their slander is that they claim that God ordered Ezekiel to eat faeces
an order the children of Israel to eat it. (Ezekiel 4 Numbers 14).

Also that God ordered the children of Israel to steal as is mentioned in Exodus 3 and
Numbers 21.

These qualities are no doubt blameworthy and unbefitting of belonging to God and
the examples of these are numerous.

4) A call to drinking alcohol and other intoxicants
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