(WallPaper) #1

However, even though Constantine of>iciated 25 December as the birthday of Christ,
Christians, recognizing the date as a pagan festival, did not share in the emperor's
good meaning. Christmas failed to gain universal recognition among Christians until
quite recently. In England, Oliver Cromwell banned Christmas festivities between
1649 and 1660 through the so-called Blue Laws, believing that Christmas should be
a solemn day.

In fact, many Christian scholars contend that Jesus was actually born in summer.
This is consistent with the Quranic account that follows, because there is a specific
mention of ripe dates falling to Mary (may Allah be pleased with Her) in the Quran
(which means): "And shake towards you the trunk of the palm-tree; It will drop
upon you fresh ripe dates." [Quran 19: 25] A common theme to many Christian
holidays is their actual pagan origin. It seems that the early church elders elected to
keep many of the celebrations already in practice and redefine them in Christian
terms, rationalizing them as a celebration of some aspect of their dogma of the life of
Jesus. Nowadays, few may remember the reasons for the various customs that they

The Fallacy of the Trinity.

The bible reads:

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the
HOLY GHOST: and these three are one."

1st Epistle of John 5:7 - AV

This verse is the closest approximation to what the Christians call their Holy Trinity
in the encyclopedia called the BIBLE. This key-stone of the Christian faith has also
been scrapped from the RSV without even a semblance of explanation. It has been a
pious fraud all along and well-deservedly has it been expunged in the RSV for the
English-speaking people. But for the 1499 remaining language groups of the world
who read the Christian concoctions in their mother tongues, the fraud remains.
These people will never know the truth until the Day of Judgment.

However, we Muslims must again congratulate the galaxy of D.D.’s who have been
honest enough to eliminate another lie from the English (RSV) Bible, thus bringing
their Holy Book yet another step closer to the teachings of Islam.

A refutation of the Trinity using irrefutable proofs.

The Christians claim that God is made up of three persons, or hypostases, yet they
differ in defining these supposed hypostases: are they traits, beings, or qualities?
However, they agree that they are three: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
They claim that the Son is the Word of the Father, and that the Father knows things
through the Word (the Son), and that the Holy Spirit is the life for whose sake the
Father lives (according to their stories and blasphemous lies).

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