
(Dana P.) #1

tains a stream of numbers as an input. The num-
bers are interpreted as the number of bits that are
to be put into a datagram (udp packet) the next
period. The module takes as parameters the
(fixed) maximum size of the datagram and the
(fixed) duration of each period. If the number of
bits in the trace file for one period does not fit
into one packet, several packets are created and
sent back-to-back.

As an example of use, let the trace file be the
streams of MPEG-1 coded video sequences
made available by Oliver Rose [Rose95]. Each
video trace contains nvideo frames X= {X 1 , X 2 ,
..., Xn} (n= 40000). A video frame will then be
the sending period. A frame consists of a vari-
able number of bits using MPEG coding and the
most common Group of Picturepattern
IPPBPPBPPBPPB, see Figure 6.

The Xibits in video frame iare converted to Yi
UDP packets of NPbytes, i.e.
A new video frame is sent every TPand the size
of the video frame is given by the current posi-
tion in the MPEG trace.

All YiUDP packets in position iare sent back-
to-back at maximum line speed. A video is ran-
domly, and uniformly, selected among the
K= 19 different video streams that are available.
The packet size NPand interference time TFare
parameters that can be set by the scenario de-
signer. Default values are set to NP= 1024 bytes
and TF= 40 ms.

Although this module originally uses a set of
MPEG-1 coded video sequences it is very sim-
ple to e.g. use MPEG-2 traces instead, as long as
the resulting input trace files have the same for-
mat as X. In fact, any trace with the format of X
applies. It is also easy to change the size of UDP

packets, and the time between each video frame.
This is very convenient when investigating the
sensitivity and importance of e.g. video coding
techniques and frame segmentation. VoIP and CBR Modules – Sending
Constant Stream of Fixed Sized
Both the VoIP and the CBR (from the term con-
stant bit rate) interface modules send a determin-
istic stream of packets, i.e. a stream of equally
sized packets with a constant inter-packet arrival
time. Hence, the packet pattern is characterized
by the packet size Np(not included overhead like
8 byte UDP header and 20 byte IP header) and
the (constant) time between packets, Tp. This
gives a bitrate of (excluded overhead) 8Np/ Tp.
Figure 7 shows an example of a packet pattern
generating a 64 kbit/s stream, or 8 packets per
second (pps).

Figure 6 MPEG coded video:
An example of a Group of
Picture pattern

Figure 7 An example of a
64 kbit/s streaming of udp
datagrams for the constant
packet source

Figure 5 An example of a file
size distribution used by the
FTP interface module

cummulativ density










0,01 0,1 1 10 100 1000 10000
file size [kbytes]

Average file
size 154 kbytes

Increasing time


Forward Predictions

Bidirectional Predictions

1024 bytes
Tp = 125 ms

1024 bytes
125 ms

1024 bytes
125 ms

1024 bytes
125 ms

Np =

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