
(Dana P.) #1

The Idleand Readstates are stochastic states.
The state sojourn times of these two states are
sampled from a probability density distribution.
Each user that starts to download a file enters the
Downloadcommunication state. A pointer to the
interface module that handles the communica-
tion stream is added to the identity vector of
Download, Idownload. When the file, and all its
content (text, images, applets), is downloaded,
the interface module closes the connection and
removes itself from Idownloadand the user returns
to the Readstate. The modelling framework
enables the (random) setting of an upper limit
of the download time, the impatience factor.
This factor allows the connection to be closed
before the entire web page is downloaded.

The parameters of the state model are extracted
from the work described in [Vic98] where an
aggregated stream of HTTP connections was
separated and broken into web sessions.

  • Time sequence of file downloads– The Idle
    state uses the web session separator criterion
    as the expected sojourn time
    TIdle~ neg.exp. (γ) ; 1 / γ= 30 ⋅60 = 1800[sec.].

  • Time between requests– Within a web session
    the mean time between requests is


[sec.] with a coefficient of variation equal to

X= 2.9. This means that the Read state in
the overall model is not negative exponential
distributed (in that case the S/

X= 1). This
state is therefore substituted by a hyper-expo-
nential distribution with 4 branches, each with
different time constants. The parameters are
determined to fit the truncated-Pareto model
used in [Vic98].

Substituting the Readstate with four sub-states
to model the hyper exponential distribution, the
complete model and the model parameters are
given in Figure 8. The Voice Model
The voice model that is described does not
include control traffic, i.e. call set-up and dis-
connection signalling. The VoIP model uses a
simplified model of a telephony user. The media
stream is uni-directional, i.e. the A and B parties
are included in the same model but no synchro-
nisation (two-way communication) between the
two parties exists.

The user behaviour model consists of two states
as illustrated in Figure 9:

  • Idle:A source generates three calls per hour
    and each call is generated according to a
    Poisson process;

    • Connect:The call duration time follows a
      negative exponential distribution with average
      of three minutes. The Complete and Combined Model
The two models can be combined on one
machine by running either

  • two processes,one with FTP and one with
    voice; or

  • one processwhere the user behaviour state
    description is combined into one model.

In the current case, the simplest, and probably
the most efficient approach is to run two pro-
cesses. Even so, this section will look at a com-

Figure 10 Model with two
interface modules

Stocastic State Space Comm. State Space



pα (1-p)α

Idle Read Download

Figure 8 The overall model of
a web or FTP client

Stochastic State Space Comm. State Space




Idle Send

Comm. State Space

Stochastic State Space Comm. State Space



pα 1 (1-p)α 1

Read Download



λv αv

Figure 9 The model of a voice
source without call signalling
Free download pdf