
(Dana P.) #1
worse quality. This would require an additional
protocol so that it could be done dynamically by
adjusting the limiters to measured traffic vol-
umes and their burstiness. It is possible to im-
prove the DiffServ implementation in these
respects, but these are important scalability
problems in DiffServ as a technical solution to
the QUASI-model. We should stress that the
QUASI-model requirements of class differentia-
tion in some way and ability to receive good
quality are very natural from the business point
of view for a service of several quality classes.
A simple solution to the class differentiation is
to offer only two classes and best effort. Then
class differentiation should be easy. QUASI-
MODO wanted to offer more classes as techni-
cally the possible number of different classes is
quite large in DiffServ.

4.2 IntServ Concerns

This paper describes the QUASI-IntServ imple-
mentation. IntServ is not a natural choice for the
QUASI-model: IntServ is end-to-end and the
QUASI-model is MRP-to-MRP. IntServ is also
considered unscalable. While this opinion may
not be permanent, as scalability only needs to be
sufficient to the expected size of the network and
is affected by performance of RSVP, it is gener-
ally thought to be true at least for the near future.
Therefore we had to solve the scalability prob-
lem and the natural way is to group several
RSVP flows together to a reserved pipe. A pipe
is similar to a Virtual Path in ATM: VP can con-
tain several Virtual Circuits. Doing this implies
that we must add admission control to accept a
flow to a pipe. In ATM there is a Source Traffic
Descriptor, but we only have a very rough char-
acterisation of sources by the Application Cate-
gory. It means that the admission control must
be rough. How much sense there is in to creating
a poor man’s ATM in this way can be pondered
on, but if an implementation of the QUASI-

model is made along IntServ, this is probably
the way it would be done.

The laboratory testbed, shown in Figure 3, is
quite useful for describing the QUASI-IntServ
implementation. There are two MRPs, which in
Figure 3 are Linux PCs running RetHat-6.2. The
operator’s core network is made out of CISCO
routers and one Linux PC. It was very good that
we included the CISCO routers into the core net-
work, since in this way we had to solve inter-
working problems of Linux RSVP and CISCO
RSVP. Our method of making reservations be-
tween MRPs would also have worked better, and
we would have overlooked a practical problem,
were it not for the CISCO routers. CISCO
routers namely decode the RSVP flow from an
address in IPv4 and we needed a clumsy address
translation, to be explained in Figure 6.

There is also a Linux PC used as a Management
Server. It collects NPL measurements from the
MRPs and makes the RSVP reservations be-
tween MRPs. The user’s subnetworks are real-
ised as two Linux PCs and two Sun Worksta-
tions running different applications. The network
links are made with 10 Mbit/s Ethernet. Imple-
mentation of the QUASI-IntServ consists of new
software, which was written to the MRPs and to
the Management Server. It is only some source
files of new software, but inserting the software
to the Linux kernel to monitor the NPL parame-
ters required some effort. Figure 4 shows the
architecture of this software.

The user agent registers users to the MRP dae-
mon process with a special registration protocol.
There is a simple admission control where the
MRP daemon estimates from the number of
existing connections whether it can accept a new
connection to a desired AC/QC. The user can
select AC/QC pairs to his application and

Figure 4 Architecture of
QUASI-IntServ software

User agent


User network A Provider network User network B


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