
(Dana P.) #1
If we were using IPv6, we could set the flowID
in the packet and identify the ClassID with the
flowID. If we were using only Linux routers,
we could decode in all routers the flowID from
the ClassID in the IP-packet. As we are using
CISCO routers and IP v4, there is a problem:
CISCO-routers decode the flow from an address
in IP version 4. In QUASI-IntServ RSVP estab-
lishes a pipe between two MRPs and the core
routers use the address of the user traffic to
decide which flow the packet uses. We had to
replace the original address by an MRP address
and store the original address into the padding
field. We use the padding field also for storing
the time stamp and the Class ID. In the receiving
MRP the original address is restored. This is
made with NAT and surprisingly it is rather fast.
Figure 6 shows the content of the padding field.
There are the necessary time stamp and ClassID,
but for IPv4 we have also stored the original
addresses there. The receiving MRP restores
the original addresses.

The QoS Software converts the QUASI-model
Class to network class or ClassID (CID). The IP-
packet is marked by setting the CID and the
packet is sent forward. If the (protocol, port)-pair
is not in the table, no marking is done.

In the implemented version, the user can access
the service table and select the AC/QC to his
application. A natural way to do this in a real
system is to use a WWW-page for user selection
of the AC/QC, as was done in the DiffServ im-
plementation. Mapping applications to AC/QC
is not an easy matter. We have mapped applica-
tions using the port number and the IP-address
of packets coming to the MRP. There are special
cases that have not been treated: Mbone is IP-
on-IP. It is currently not supported. Separating
RTP traffic from other UDP traffic, such as
DNS, is not treated. The problem is that RTP
does not have a protocol number, nor does it
have a well-known port number. It may be best

to separate other UDP traffic and treat the re-
maining part as RTP traffic and give it good

The QUASIMODO project made a number of
tests to see if the QUASI-IntServ implementa-
tion works. The test network is very simple hav-
ing only two MRPs, and we cannot say if the
software actually works in a larger network. It
was shown that in the test network it performed
fine, and the dynamic bandwidth allocation
made by the Management server could adopt the
network to changes in traffic load within the
time scale of the bandwidth modifications.

One goal of the QUASI-model was to provide
several classes which have clear differences in
quality. In the QUASI-IntServ implementation
RSVP reservations guarantee the bandwidth
allocations for AC/QC. They are similar to Diff-
Serv in providing quality for an aggregate of
connections, not for an individual user’s flow.
They are a bit better than DiffServ because if the
core network changes, the RSVP reservations
are rerouted. We should not have the problem
with congestion in the core network. However,
do we see class differentiation in this model?

There is a reserved bandwidth for each RSVP
pipe and the routers respect the reservations. If
the offered traffic to a pipe does not exceed the
reserved bandwidth, we will get very good qual-
ity for all classes. Users of flexible sources
(TCP) see the effect of the bandwidth as data
flows slower if there is less bandwidth. Users of
unflexible sources (UDP) would see either good
quality or bad quality depending on the admis-
sion control mechanism. We could overdimen-
sion worse quality pipes by admitting more traf-
fic than could be carried with good quality, or
we could intentionally drop packets just to make
the service differentiation. For QUASI-IntServ
it may be better to use blocking in the following
way. Best effort class is worse than NPL-classes











MRP Dest

MRP Dest

Figure 6 IP packet structure
after processing in the MRP

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