Expert Spring MVC and Web Flow

(Dana P.) #1



? (question mark), 267
& (ampersands), 231
* ant wildcard, 86
** ant wildcard, 86
[ and ] (square brackets), 271
_ (underscore), 231
+1d incremental operator, 273
+1H incremental operator, 273
+1m incremental operator, 273
+1S incremental operator, 273
+1w incremental operator, 273
+1y incremental operator, 273
< operator, Valang, 269
<= operator, Valang, 269
<> operator, Valang, 269
= operator, Valang, 269
!= operator, Valang, 269
=< operator, Valang, 269
== operator, Valang, 269
=> operator, Valang, 269
> operator, Valang, 269
>= operator, Valang, 269
' (apostrophes), 231
? ant wildcard, 86
! function, Valang, 274

1d incremental operator, 273
1H incremental operator, 273
1M incremental operator, 273
1s incremental operator, 273
1w incremental operator, 273
1y incremental operator, 273

Abstract superclass, 205
AbstractCachingViewResolver resolvers, 210
AbstractController, 149, 168
cache header management, 120–122
Controller options, 199
enforcing HTTP methods, 119–120
overview, 118
require sessions, 120
synchronized session, 122
AbstractController superclass, 174
Tests subclass, 304, 306

AbstractFlowExecutionTests, extending,
AbstractFormController subclass, 123
AbstractHandlerMapping subclass, 92
AbstractMessageSource class, 278
class, 304
class, 306
AbstractUrlBasedView class, 205, 263
AbstractUrlHandlerMapping class, 90
superclass, 172
AbstractView class, 205–206, 263
AbstractWizardFormController, 200, 314
Controller options, 199
limitations, 177
overview, 176
page change callback, 179
state changes, 177–179
URI mapping, 179
validation, 179
wizard example
command bean, 190–191
controller, 191–192
JSP files, 183–185
overview, 180–182
reducing repetition with JSP tag files
and Spring JSP tags, 185–190
work flow cancellation, 180
work flow completion, 180
AbstractXslFoView class, 257
AbstractXsltView technology, 203, 252
AcceptHeaderLocaleResolver class, 104–105,
Accept-Language HTTP header, 100, 102, 104
accountPrototype bean definition, 35
action beans, 359, 362
Action interface, 328, 362
Action state, 318, 359
action states
chain of responsibility, 359–360
FormAction, 360–361
overview, 359
activate( ) method, Account class, 34, 38
activateAccount( ) method, Account class,
Active status, FlowSession, 350
activeSession, 349

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