European Landscape Architecture: Best Practice in Detailing

(John Hannent) #1

Parrotia persica, 144
Philadelphus‘Belle Etoile’, 178
Phlox, 132
Populus nigra ‘Italica’, 180
Potentilla fruticosa, 143
Prunus avium, 14, 15, 18, 31
Prunus padus, 24
Quercus ilex, 191
Quercus palustrius, 144
Quercus robur, 74
Rudbeckia, 132
Salix, 16, 17 , 18, 36–40; S caprea, 78;
S sepulcralis ‘Tristis’, 180
Santolina, 205
Solidago aurea, 132
Sorbus, 20; S aria, 236
Spartium junceum, 186
Spirea × bumalda: ‘Antony Waterer’, 143;
‘Froebelii’, 143
Spirea japonica, 143
Taxus baccata, 132
Trachycarpus fortuneii, 45
Viburnum opulus ‘Nanum’, 143
Viburnum tinus, 78
Vinca minor, 143
Wisteria sinensis, 31
see also under specific case studies
Portland Neighbourhood Park,
animal housing, 175; detail (photo), 175 ;

construction of (photo), 175 ; surfacing
plan for area (diagram), 175
cycle lanes, 174
design development, 170–4
dog-walking area, 174, 178
evaluation, 180–1
‘hangout’, 174, 178
hill with artwork, 174, 180; detail of entry to
(sketch and photo), 172 ; photo, 172
housing, 168, 174; VINEX estate, 169–70
kerbs and seats (photo), 172
landscape: and environment (sketches),
171 ; in former days (map), 169 ;
measurements, 172
lighting, 174
park area: cross-section, 174 ; functions
(plan), 173 ; map, 173
paving, roadmetal shells (diagram), 173
pergola, 176; detail (photo), 177 ; plan and
section, 176 ; and seating area (plan),
picnic areas, 175
planting, 176, 178–80; plan, 180
playground, 176
playing field, 174, 176–8
pond, 178; border (design sketch), 179 ; sun
panels (design sketches), 179
project data and overview, 168
project history, 169–70
roadways, surface construction (photo), 180

seating areas, 174, 176; detail plan, 177 ; and
kerbs (photo), 172 ; and pergola (plan),
soccer field, 178; border (photo), 178
urban farm, 174–5
vandalism, 181
Provost, Allain, 3

Quay on the River IJssel, Doesburg
area and context (aerial photographs), 156
bridge over canal, 166
design philosophy, 157–8
evaluation, 166–7
high canal quay, 164–5
high river quay, 162
high water (photo), 157
housing, 157
low canal quay, 165–6
low river quay, 160–2
planting, 159
project data and overview, 155
project history, 156–7
quay wall, 162–4
river and town (cross-section), 159
waterfronts, 158–60
Quay on the River IJsset, Doesburg
bollards, 162; first sketches, construction
diagrams and production drawings,
bridge over canal, design principles, 165
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