theworld (Matt.28:20),Hewasforallofthis still
ofGod (Heb. 8:1;Acts7:56).
Since God, then, has a definite dwelling place,
itisbutnatural that one shouldwonderwherethat
Wewould naturally concludethatGod's abode is
atthe centerof His universe. Heis seatedat the
placeofcontrol. Theearthandtheotherplanetsof
oursystem revolvearoundthesun;thesunisatthe
center,orpointofcontrol. Themoonrevolvesaround
theearth; the earthis atthe center of the moon's
revolutions,atthepoint ofpowerand control. The
sun,weknow, hasa paththroughthe heavens; and
we naturally believe that forit there is somewhere
a center, a point of control. This center for our
sunmaybe someothergigantic sunaroundwhichit
swings. Butwhetheroursunisthelastoftheseries,
orif there is another, then either our sun, or that
other sun,central forour sun,must revolvearound
the greatfinal centerwhere God controlsall.
More than one astronomer has risen to the idea
thatthere is a center forthevastuniverse revealed
to us in the study of astronomy. For example, a
forththeidea,in 1846,thatthereexistssomecentral
pointintheuniverse,aroundwhichthesun, withits
bevyofplanetsandcomets,revolves inthecourseof
millions ofyears. As a resultof his studyof this