The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

(avery) #1


Analysis and Discussion:Our conclusions from this survey ques-
tion and our qualitative data are that organizations use coaching most
frequently for developing leaders. Our other leadership surveys also
indicate that leadership development is a primary focus of organiza-
tions’ development ef for ts. Surprisingly, organizational development
and change scored higher than our expectations.

  1. Where do you see your organization’s most significant coaching needs
    for this year?
    Here are the top five in rank order:

    1. Leadership coaching for behavioral change

    2. Career transition/succession coaching

    3. Performance and development

    4. Communications and interpersonal skills

    5. Lower-tier employee coaching

Analysis and Discussion:No surprise here, as the top five ranking
came in as expected.

  1. How does your organization currently use coaching?
    The top six ranked uses for coaching within organizations are as

  2. Enhancing current performance

  3. Correcting performance issues

  4. Team building (tied)

  5. Change management (tied)
    5.Succession management

  6. Ensuring the success of new executives

Analysis and Discussion:It was most interesting to note that en-
hancing current performance was noted by 78.3 percent of survey re-
spondents, whereas correcting performance was at 71.3 percent; team
building and change management 45 percent, succession management
37 percent, and ensuring success of the new executive 32 percent.
Respondents strongly indicate that the issues confronting those who
manage coaching within organizations are strongly weighted toward
enhancing and correcting performance. We believe there is a big
missed opportunity for ensuring the success of the new executive,
which scored only 32.3 percent. We also believe that, as organizations
begin to see the benefits of coaching for new executives, this type of
coaching will increase significantly in the years to come.
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