The Art and Practice of Leadership Coaching: 50 Top Executive Coaches Reveal Their Secrets

(avery) #1


Analysis and Discussion:It was clear in this data that the major in-
vestments are being expanded. Executive and senior leaders receive
coaching twice as much as middle leadership. It is very interesting to
note, however, that lower level leaders (i.e., entry level) receive
coaching 53.6 percent of the time. One could look at this data and
infer that middle management gets the least amount of coaching. One
would have to wonder whether this is a big opportunity for organiza-
tions or whether middle levels of leadership simply do not have the
front-burner issues.

  1. What is the average duration in months of a coaching intervention?
    Lower leadership—6.6 months
    Middle leadership—7.3 months
    Senior leadership—12.5 months
    Executive leadership—14 months

Analysis and Discussion:This indicates that there is a correlation
between length of coaching assignment and leadership level in the or-
ganization supplying data. The more senior the leader, the longer the
coaching relationship. This may suggest that higher-level coaching is
more intense and is conducted over a longer period of time. Since
there is a relationship between expenses and duration, there may be
an obvious conclusion that higher-level coaching is perceived to be of
higher value to organizations.

14.What are your greatest concerns in selecting, hiring, and using a coach?
Validating coaching expertise—60 percent
Determining coaching needs—31 percent
Assessing fit—25 percent
Ensuring return on time and expense for coaching engagement—
55 percent
Determining appropriate length of coaching time—34 percent
Gathering information about coaching—24 percent

Analysis and Discussion:It is clear from the respondent data that
there is significant concern in measuring impact and assessing fit.
There is only moderate to low concern on how to gather information
on coachees. The second most pressing concern among respondents is
ensuring return on time and expenses. Getting the right expertise is
the greatest concern.

  1. How important are the following considerations in selecting a coach?
    Cost—57 percent

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