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About the Authors 365
is very interested in the practice of action research, and has written and published
extensively on this particular subject. Her research interests frequently find her under-
taking action research projects in government and industry.
Anju Mehta is currently pursuing her PhD in organizational analysis and change at Auburn
University. She has a Masters degree in international business from Kurukshetra University,
and a Masters degree in psychology from Maharshi Dayanand University, both in India.
Nikhil Mehta is currently completing his PhD in management information systems at Auburn
University. His research and teaching interests include knowledge management, IT strategy,
and analysis and design of information systems. He has a Masters degree in business
administration from Kurukshetra University in India.
Raouf Naguib is head of the Biomedical Computing Research Group (BIOCORE) and
professor of biomedical computing at Coventry University, UK. He has published over
180 journal and conference papers and reports in many aspects of biomedical and digital
signal processing, biomedical image processing, and the applications of artificial intel-
ligence and evolutionary computation in cancer research. He has also published a book
on digital filtering, and coedited a second book on the applications of artificial neural
networks in cancer diagnosis, prognosis, and patient management, which is his main area
of research interest. Professor Naguib is a member of several national and international
research committees and boards, and recently served on the administrative committee
of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS). He is actively taking
part in a number of collaborative research projects with various partners and consortia
in the UK (breast, colon, ovarian, and urological cancers, and Hodgkin’s disease), the
EU (prostate and colorectal cancers), the United States (breast cancer and cancers of the
oesophago-gastric junction), and Egypt (bladder cancer).
Rebecca L. Nash is a senior software engineer devoted to technical communications and
institutional computing at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. She received her BS in
biological sciences from California State University at Los Angeles, and her MS in
interactive telecommunications from the University of Redlands. Rebecca designs
interfaces from Web sites to applications, and helps organizations improve the usability
of their products.
Franz Obermair studied automation technology in Wels (Austria). He worked seven
years at a supplier for car manufacturers and one year in the area of die and mould
engineering for TCG Unitech AG. For the last five years, he has been a research assistant
at the Department of High-Speed Cutting and Manufacturing Engineering at Profactor
Production Research GmbH.
Jill Owen is a PhD candidate in the Knowledge Management Research Group in the
School of Information Management and Systems (SIMS) at Monash University. She has
worked with some of Australia’s major corporate companies in the airline, financial
services, health, credit card, and information technology industries specialising in both
business and IT project and program management, including at a senior management