Thoughts to Build On
will throw their problems, worries, unwanted tasks and responsibilities into it until you find yourself overburdened to the brea ...
Chapter 20 Those Big Signs All Of Us Wear Psychologists try, somewhat vainly, to teach us that ALL of us wear big, invisible sig ...
person clearly does), you disregard his warning at great cost because you insure the inevitability of losing his friendship and ...
Since a person wants to be IMPORTANT (and everyone does), tell him he is important, treat him as an important person and, in eve ...
order to more deeply express your appreciation will mark you as a person for whom it is especially pleasant to do favors. The me ...
More important: remember that ALL of the people you deal with have big, invisible signs across their chests, which warn and dire ...
Chapter 21 Count Your Blessings Schopenhauer, the philosopher of gloom and doom, did give us the basis for at least one happines ...
Thinking regretfully about the things you do not have, not only is the easiest way to be unhappy, but also is the one cause of u ...
improve-without the unhappy pressure of urgent need. Then imprint your happiness for the abundance of your blessings visibly upo ...
Chapter 22 The Epidemic Of Hate It is an inspiration to see a community-and sometimes an entire nation-unite to ward off or to a ...
But all this urgency, this sympathetic assist- ance, this total disregard of cost, seems to apply only to epidemics of physical ...
frontation of different and opposite groups (or individuals). Hate is spawned in the very fact of their being different and oppo ...
mosphere of good will among all individuals, groups and nations. You will recall hearing that this thought was expressed before- ...
Chapter 23 The Gentle Art Of Letting Alone Having retired at the rather early age of fifty so that I could devote my full time t ...
First, let us concede that there are a number of dedicated trouble-makers among us who for various psy- chological reasons, are ...
we made have faded into acquaintances. Anyway, there are many quicker, easier, better ways to make friends. But there are few qu ...
It can be the cause of much happiness. Human reaction runs the full scale from the highest degree of ecstasy to the most violent ...
than indignation. It turns the quarrel off. There cannot be a one-person quarrel. But be sure that your indifference is genuine. ...
you cannot add to another's feeling of importance-LET IT ALONE I These are but two of many examples of situa- tions to which you ...
Chapter 24 Save For Your Old Age!: MEMORIES!!! It is one of the first essentials of prudent self- management to save financially ...
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