able ideas. And you should suggest new ideas frequently.
The point I want to make is: "play it safe". Always offer
your suggestion in the form of a question. Say, <Tve been
wondering about (suggestion). What do you think about
it?" ... Or, "Have we considered the possibility that
( suggestion)?" ... Or, "What do you think would happen
if (suggestion)?"
When you offer your suggestion in the form
of an unassuming question and it is rejected, you can
always say, "That is the conclusion I reached, too-but
because of your greater experience, I wanted your opinion.
Also, I thought you might be able to add some ideas that
would make it practical." (That really gets the top execu-
tive involved in your suggestion and that's one of the secrets
of success: involvement with the top echelon!) However,
if your suggestion is accepted, you made it originally and
you will get (or can modestly take) credit for it. Thus,
by presenting your ideas in the form of questions, you
benefit (without risk) whether your ideas are accepted
or not.
Having learned that you can talk your way to
success, and having learned some of the many ways to do
it, it is hoped that you will continue to learn more about
this exciting and profitable success-method from the many
helpful sources available.