Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1
Chapter 38

It's Right To Do It Wrong!

Psychologists have discovered an amazingly
successful technique for eliminating undesirable habits-
perhaps not all undesirable habits but, certainly, many of
We. humans are largely creatures of habits,
mostly desirable and, indeed, necessary habits. If we had
to think consciously about everything we do, we would
surely go mad. In fact, the more routine activities which
we can assign to habit, the more we can free our time for
conscious thought and action. A desirable or necessary
habit, unconsciously and perfectly performed, is much
better than a consciously directed action.
So most habits are desirable and we should
try to shift more and more activities to our habit me-
But some habits are undesirable, some are
harmful, and some are extremely dangerous. Obviously
these habits should be eliminated. Ridding yourself of

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