Chapter 39
Walk Toward Danger
When I was a very young man, just starting
out in business-without education, without money, with-
out influential connections, without any of the alleged
requisites for a successful career-I was fortunate in getting
a little book: "Tips On Leadership" by Herbert N. Casson,
whom B. C. Forbes called "the ablest writer on business
and business men in the whole of Britain". Herbert Cas-
son wrote equally well about American business and busi-
ness men.
One of the many helpful principles I learned
from Herbert Casson in his little book, "Tips On Leader-
ship", was to WALK TOWARD DANGER. That precept
has profoundly influenced my life.
I would rather live by those three words-
WALK TOWARD DANGER-than have a college edu-
cation. I also would like to have a college education, but
many college graduates will never be leaders, even though
they may be successful by other standards. Nobody, with