Chapter 12
Frustration Causes Aggression
Frustration-caused aggression is the basic fac-
tor in many human tragedies from personal incompatabili-
ties to major wars.
Since frustration is a primary ingredient in
almost all (some scientists say all) aggression-overt or re-
pressed-it would be useless as well as impractical to
attempt to list all such situations here. However, it may
indicate their variety and magnitude, to list a few of many
problems resulting from frustration-caused aggression:
Infant misbehavior, school failures, juvenile
delinquency, unhappy marriages, business difficulties, dis-
agreeable personalities, minority-group social-racial unrest,
individual and group protest activities, riots, revolutions
and wars.
Since the frustration-aggression sequence is at
the root (and usually is the root) of so many, varied and
tragic problems, it demands our most serious consideration.