Thoughts to Build On

(vip2019) #1

Perhaps, we will be more impressed by the dra-
matic implication in: "Lunatics never unite."

To the extent that we, as people, as groups, or
as nations, achieve unity of thought, unity of feeling, unity
of purpose-to that extent will our strengths be jOined.

The secret of power is no secret. It simply is
uniting--joining together with a singleness of thought,
feeling and purpose. The more people who can unite, the
more groups which can be joined together, the more
nations which can collaborate-the greater will be their
combined power.
How much weakness there is in disunity!
And, how much danger! Because the farther
apart our positions, the more nearly they become opposites.
When we reach opposite positions, we are placed in readi-
ness for the most damaging collision course.
Yes, lunatics! That's what our divisiveness is
proving us to be. Because: LUNATICS NEVER UNITE!

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