what the real reasons are? You have just read about them
in this chapter!
White families are afraid that Negro families
will not ADJUST, ADAPT and CONFORM to the white
families' standards of morality, cleanliness and maintenance
of property values. The white families interviewed em-
phasized time and again that it was not the color of the
Negroes' skin to which they objected, but they said that
they would be afraid to go out on the street at night ~..
they were afraid that the Negroes would not «keep up"
their property and cause the neighborhood to become "run
down." They felt sure, almost without exception, that
property values would decrease. I won't continue the list
of anticipated fears and grievances-but I assure you that
every one reHected the white families' firm belief that the
Negro families moving into their neighborhood would
to the present all-white neighborhood standards; they felt
that the Negro families would not «fit in» and (2) that the
Negro families would NOT IMPROVE the neighborhood,
once they moved in.
That is the real problem and until white families
feel sure that those conditions will not take place-all the
civil rights laws, Negro demonstrations, protest marches
and riots will only aggravate the problem. not solve it.
Until men and women of good will-Negro
and white-work together to solve that problem with the
proven principles set forth in this chapter, little progress
will be made. Being a good neighbor. maintaining and