improving the neighborhood, obviously has no connection
with the color of one's skin.
The neighborhoods in which most Negroes un-
fortunately have been compelled to live have created an
unfavorable image, which is not justified. This unfavorable
image cannot be improved by Negro activities which arouse
white antagonism and hostility. On the contrary, what is
needed is a persistent effort to obtain justice with good
will, and to provide Negroes with living conditions which
offer them an equal opportunity to conform to the highest
neighborhood expectations of white communities. Wher-
ever this has been done, the Negroes have demonstrated
their ability to achieve acceptance, not by demanding it,
but by deserving it-which is the only way acceptance can
be achieved. The emphasis must be placed-not on mere
permission, obtained by legal or other means-but on
deserved acceptance as a good neighbor.
The principles which originated with the be-
ginning of life on this earth and which are just as valid
today, surely are worthy of your most thoughtful con-
sideration. Have you tried applying them to the various
phases of your own life?
the highest expectations of all the other people in your
life? Having done this, do you then CONSTANTLY
Do you?