Configurations 193
SIGNAL nota, notb : std_logic;
I1 : inv
PORT MAP( a, nota);
I2 : inv
PORT MAP( b, notb);
AN1 : and3
PORT MAP( nota, en, notb, q0);
AN2 : and3
PORT MAP( a, en, notb, q1);
AN3 : and3
PORT MAP( nota, en, b, q2);
AN4 : and3
PORT MAP( a, en, b, q3);
END structural;
Notice that the component declarations for components invand and3
in the architecture declaration section do not contain the generics
declared in the entity declarations for entities invand and3. Because the
generics are not being mapped in the architecture, there is no need to
declare the generics for the components in the architecture.
Following is the configuration to bind all of these parts together into
an executable model:
CONFIGURATION decode_gen1_con OF decode IS
FOR structural
FOR I1 : inv USE ENTITY WORK.inv(inv_gen1)
GENERIC MAP( int_rise => 1.2 ns,
GENERIC MAP( int_fall => 1.7 ns,
GENERIC MAP( ext_rise => 2.6 ns,
GENERIC MAP( ext_fall => 2.5 ns);
FOR I2 : inv USE ENTITY WORK.inv(inv_gen1)
GENERIC MAP( int_rise => 1.3 ns,
GENERIC MAP( int_fall => 1.4 ns,
GENERIC MAP( ext_rise => 2.8 ns,
GENERIC MAP( ext_fall => 2.9 ns);
FOR AN1 : and3 USE ENTITY WORK.and3(and3_gen1)
GENERIC MAP( int_rise => 2.2 ns,
GENERIC MAP( int_fall => 2.7 ns,
GENERIC MAP( ext_rise => 3.6 ns,
GENERIC MAP( ext_fall => 3.5 ns);