306 Chapter Thirteen
port( sel : in t_comp;
port( compout : out std_logic);
end component;
signal opdata, aluout, shiftout, instrregOut : bit16;
signal regsel : t_reg;
signal regRd, regWr, opregRd, opregWr, outregRd, outregWr,
signal addrregWr, instrregWr, progcntrRd, progcntrWr,
signal compout : std_logic;
signal alusel : t_alu;
signal shiftsel : t_shift;
signal compsel : t_comp;
ra1 : regarray port map(data, regsel, regRd, regWr, data);
opreg: trireg port map (data, opregRd, opregWr, opdata);
alu1: alu port map (data, opdata, alusel, aluout);
shift1: shift port map (aluout, shiftsel, shiftout);
outreg: trireg port map (shiftout, outregRd, outregWr,
addrreg: reg port map (data, addrregWr, addr);
progcntr: trireg port map (data, progcntrRd, progcntrWr,
comp1: comp port map (opdata, data, compsel, compout);
instr1: reg port map (data, instrregWr, instrregOut);
con1: control port map (clock, reset, instrregOut, com
pout, ready, progcntrWr, progcntrRd, addrregWr, out
regWr, outregRd, shiftsel, alusel, compsel, opre
gRd, opregWr, instrregWr, regsel, regRd, regWr, rw,
end rtl;
Architecture rtlof entity cpuis a structural implementation of the
block diagram. Architecture rtlcontains the component declarations of all
of the components used to build the design, the signals used to connect the
components, and the component instantiations to create the functionality.
After the component and signal declarations are the component instan-
tiation statements that instance the components and connect the appro-
priate signals. In the next few sections, each of the VHDL component
descriptions is described in more detail.
The first entity described is the ALU. This entity performs a number of
arithmetic or logical operations on one or more input busses. A symbol for
the ALU is shown in Figure 13-2.