370 Chapter Sixteen
Place and Route Process
The place and route process places each macro from the synthesis netlist
into an available location on the target silicon and connects the macros
using routing resources available on the target silicon. The place and
route process is shown in Figure 16-1.
The synthesis netlist is input to the placement process. The placement
process analyzes all of the macros used in the design and their connectivity
to try to determine an optimal placement for the macros. The placement
algorithms take into account a number of technology-specific factors of the
target technology to determine whether a particular placement is good or
not. After a trial placement and signal route is attempted, the design is
analyzed with respect to timing constraints. If the timing constraints are
not met, the place and route software continues to try different placements
and signal routing to try to meet the constraints.
Typical target devices have areas of the chip where logical functions
are placed, and areas where interconnect signals are routed to connect the
logical functions. This is shown in Figure 16-2.
The device is split into a number of logic areas with routing channels
that surround the logic areas. Logic areas contain the logical gates to
implement the boolean function of the design. Routing channels contain
the signals that are used to connect the logical gates together. For FPGA
devices, the routing channels contain programmable interconnect wires.
FPGA devices use an onboard RAM to store the value of programmable
switches that are used to form the signal interconnections. By enabling
the proper sets of pass transistor gates, signal interconnections between
logic gates can be formed as shown in the example in Figure 16-3.
To make a connection from logic block 1 to logic block 3, all of the
switches shown need to be enabled with a logic 1 value. The logic gates of
the devices are connected to local routing signals that can be connected
to more global routing signals by pass transistors that bridge the two
signals. The control signals of the pass transistors are stored in a loadable
Placement Routing
Figure 16-1 No
Place and Route