signals are to be probed. This debug core communicates through the
JTAG port on the device to an HDL debugger executing on a host plat-
form. The HDL debugger sends and receives data from the debug core
and displays this data in context with the HDL for the design. Wave-
forms of the internal device data can also be displayed, providing the
ability to trace down problems in the design.
This technique works well for any design, but it works especially well
for designs where a tremendous amount of data must be processed by
the device to determine whether the device is working properly. For
instance, devices that process audio or video information require a
tremendous amount of data to be processed before it can be determined
that the device is working properly. A video processor might need to pro-
duce several minutes of high-quality video data to determine whether
the encryption decoding algorithm is working properly. Running at or
near speed will allow images to be generated quickly and the device
function to be analyzed for correctness.
The only system as of this writing that performs as described is the
Bridges2Silicon debugger from Bridges2Silicon. A block diagram of the
system is shown in Figure 18-2.
The Bridges2Silicon debugger contains two tools. The Bridges2Silicon
instrumentor reads the VHDL description and adds the debug core, called
an Intelligent In-Circuit Emulator (IICE) to the design. The Bridges2Silicon
debugger communicates with the JTAG port on the target device, reads
the database created by the instrumentor, and reads the original source
files created by the designer.
400 Chapter Eighteen
Hardware System
Figure 18-1
At-Speed Debugging