Create Project
To create a project, use the project editor invoked from the File
menu or from the toolbar. The Project Editor window is shown in Fig-
ure 18-3.
To add to the project, use the file navigator in the upper left to nav-
igate to the location of files. First select the files and use the right arrow
key to add the files to the Design Filelist on the right of the project
editor window as shown in Figure 18-4. Now the design source files
need to be re-ordered so that the files are read in the proper order,
which is specified by the order of the list. The package cpulib.vhd
needs to be read first so that it is available to all the other design files.
The easiest way to move cpulib.vhdto the top of the list is to select
and drag it to the top of the list. The other file that needs to be moved
is the top level of the design,cpu.vhd. File cpu.vhdneeds to be moved to
the bottom of the list so that it is the last file read.
402 Chapter Eighteen
Figure 18-3
Bridges2Silicon Project
Editor Window.