Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques
ten different arctic breeding wader species the eggs were produced from food originating from tundra habitats rather than from c ...
with minimal error. Mouthparts of invertebrates are often hard and relatively easy to identify so are usually counted and measur ...
A standard method of assessing fruit quality is “relative yield”; that is, the dry mass (or better still ash-free dry mass) as a ...
and recording the activities, such as the number of items eaten, the number of pecks, or the total amount of time spent foraging ...
rather than an anode cone eliminates distortion away from the image center and has light amplification in the range 20,000–30,00 ...
statistical packages) to fit this equation. However, this approach should be used with caution. If a food category includes a ra ...
functional response (see 10.5.6) with the daily energy requirements to ascertain when the daily intake is insufficient, or by fi ...
for example, on mudflats with active intertidal prey. Even soil invertebrates move laterally. Movement can sometimes be prevente ...
Green, R.E. and Tyler, G.A. (1989) Determination of the diet of the stone curlew (Burhinus oedicnemus) by faecal analysis. J. Zo ...
11. Habitat assessment William J. Sutherland and Rhys E. Green 11.1 Introduction Most field studies of birds incorporate measure ...
(e.g. pools or nesting trees) then the occupancy of the study species of these is determined and the habitat of occupied areas i ...
at random locations, or better still, locations placed on a regular grid covering the study area. One frequent error is to inten ...
Some judgment is involved with many habitat measures, so thorough training is needed before the survey work begins. Ideally all ...
used to measure the combined effect of ambient temperature, microclimate, and wind on their rate of heat loss (Bakken et al. 198 ...
distribution and soil type (e.g. Green et al. 2000). Maps that combine information on soils, topography, and climate in order to ...
growth of algae or macrophytes and the abundance of fish and invertebrates. Chemical analysis of water samples allows the level ...
11.4.2Species composition of vegetation Detailed recording of all plant species present in quadrats can provide useful measureme ...
may be completely unrepresentative of the surrounding area. The use of a sward stick overcomes this problem by providing a measu ...
vegetation or sky is recorded. Thus, if 37 out of 100 points have vegetation, then the cover is 37%. This method is unbiased but ...
different habitats for a radio-tagged or otherwise individually identifiable bird, which has been followed and its location reco ...
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