Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques
(Picozzi 1975). Domestic livestock and wild mammals such as Hares Lepus europaeusare also attracted to sticks and novelties and ...
see the tail of an incubating or brooding bird protruding over the edge of a nest. Nests can be watched from a distance at the n ...
by parent birds should also be recorded as they may indicate the presence of dependent young nearby. Empty nests of species with ...
characteristic behavior, such as alarm-calling and distraction displays, in the presence of the researcher. If marked parents ar ...
the former die before independence and are therefore not available to be recov- ered by the public later. If chicks are ringed a ...
(Beintema and Muskens 1987; Ens 1991), but it is often the case that relatively few nests are found during egg-laying, so the ev ...
to be reliably identified, but each does so only at a proportion of nests, which differs between the two predators. At the remai ...
detect the models for what they are. The method may not work well because model eggs are removed by predators and carried away. ...
predators in the same way that visits to check nests may. However, camera systems that use a long cable or microwave link to rel ...
3.5 Using artificial nests to measure nest success and causes of failure In recent decades many studies have used artificial nes ...
Several comparisons of failures of real and artificial nests in the same areas have indicated that predation rates and predator ...
the breeding season, the propensity of females to attempt to breed again after the conclusion of a previous attempt and the time ...
proportion of birds in each age class that have laid eggs at any time previously (Wyllie and Newton 1999). The oviduct of female ...
years and regions, so age ratios could still provide a valuable index of productivity. However, if bias varied with time or plac ...
(Underwood and Roth 2002). However, to measure annual productivity it is not necessary to find all attempts, only the successful ...
locate individual nests and estimate their stage of development when found yield distributions of first egg-laying dates through ...
breeding continued into late summer, so the duration of the breeding season was apparently an important determinant of annual pr ...
linear dimension relative to the average value from a fitted growth curve for the species gives a good indication of growth rela ...
a miniature electrical heating mat in the nest cup. The effects of experimental heating of clutches of Starling Sturnus vulgaris ...
Galbraith, H. and Green, R.E. (1985). The prediction of hatching dates of Lapwing clutches.Wader Stud. Group Bull., 43, 16–18. G ...
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