Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

exploitation (cont.)
case study
adaptive harvest management of
Mallard 324
calculating potential biological removal of
Bearded Guan 309
methods of assessing sustainability 309
incorporating uncertainty, potential
biological removal 307–9
logistic growth model with perfect
information 305–7
theoretical basis for 305–10
extinctions, recent
“Evil Quartet” of causes of 303
extraction of captured birds 88

Falco mexicanus 286
Falco peregrinus 276
Falco punctatus 272
Falco tinnunculus 286
Falsterbo in Sweden as migration hotspot 165
accumulation 169
reserves 111–13
fat content
total of a bird 113
Kaiser’s system 113
McCabe’s system 113
fatty acids 171
fear of novel situations (neophobia), of bird 88
mites 114
samples 115
feedback loops operating in survey design 36
feral cat (Felis catus) 279
Ferruginous Hawk, cross-fostering 287
Festuca rubra 361
Ficedula albicollis 276
Ficedula hypoleuca276, 347
field metabolic rate (FMR) 224
field methods 23, 35–6
fieldwork, designing 3–4
“fixed”kernel 154
“flattened-straightened wing” measure 105
directions, speed 165
mechanical theory 172
in wind tunnels 171–2
flipper bands 98
flocking 165
Florida Scrub Jay 348
flushmethod 45
Flycatchers 276, 347, 351

flying insects 263
focal pairs
intensive management of 280–8
of clutch and brood manipulations 281–7
focal sampling for time budgets 244
hoarders 234
items, remains and signs 235
food abundance and availability 263–5
sampling of 263
forage ratio 261
foraging behavior 244–9
interference in 247
time budgets 244–9
Forestry Suppliers 254
forests and scrub, managing 346–7
burning 348–9
grazing and browsing 347
increasing the quantity of dead wood 351
planting and harvesting regimes 349–50
thinning and creating gaps 350–1
Forpus passerinus 276
augmentation 284
main types of 284
replacement 284
Foudia madagascariensis 287
foxes (VulpesandAlopex) 279
fragmentation and habitat modification
effects of 11
free-living energy use 224
fruit abundance, measuring 265
accumulation 169
deposition rate 169
Fuller, M. R. 142
fungi 277
Funnel experiments at Geomagnetic
North Pole 175
Gallinago gallinago256, 343
Gallirallus australis 291
Gallirallus australis greyi 291
Gambia 87
Garrulus glandarius 347
Gasterosteidae 356
Gaunt, A. S. 216, 220
Gavia arctica 51
generic or single species surveys, methods for 23
genetics, techniques in 211–27
Geographical Information Systems 155
Geronticus eremita 276
Gerygone albofrontata 286
Geupel, G. R. 62

376 |Index

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