Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

diagnostic pathology 180
die-off 179
composition 233–42
direct observation 233–4
and foraging behavior 233–49
Dijkstra, C. 284
Dipper 256
direct means of catching birds 89
Discriminant Function Analysis (DFA), sexing
index based on 102
disease risks associated with management
procedures 278
dispersal detection 155
distance sampling 20, 43–4
software and further information 43
distraction displays 63, 65
distribution maps 10
disturbance in habitat assessment 26
DNA 225
analysis, Home Office licence 212
fingerprint 226
documenting changes over time 252
domestic animals used to graze grasslands 341
Doppler principles 141
Doppler-system tags 143
“double-observer” approach 43
“double-sampling” approach 43
doubly labeled water technique 170, 225
Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) 351
drawdowns 353–4
dropping analysis 236–9
Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry 170
Dumatella caralensis 241
Dunlin 163
Dunnock 362
dwarf shrub habitats, managing 344–5
dyes, for marking 98

Eastern Weka 291
Echo Parakeet 274, 278, 292–3, 295
chick rescue 288
double clutching trial 283
restoration programs 272
nest cavity modification 275
swapping 285
ecology of species, disturbance to 266
ecotoxicology 221–4
ectoparasites 114, 277
Edward Grey Institute (EGI) 91
Eel, Common 352
eggs 60
measurements of 78
unhatched, protocol for examination of 208

eggshells, thickness of 78
Egretta alba 332
Egretta caerulea 285
Egretta thula 285
Egretta tricolor 285
Eilat in Israel as migration hotspot 165
electronic color detector 103
Emberiza cirlus 79
Emberiza citrinella 362
emetics 241
Emlen funnels 172, 174–5
Empidonax difficilis 351
Empidonax hammondii 351
empty nests 64
encounter rates 7
endangered birds
conservation management 269–96
management 295
Endangered species 269–70
endocrine control mechanisms 223
endocrine disruption 222
endocrinology 222–4
endoparasites 114, 277
energetics 224–5
accumulation, rate of 165
content of prey 243
expenditure 224
see alsodaily energy expenditure
English Nature 212
ergosterol biosynthesis inhibiting fungicides 222
Erithacus rubecula 172
ArcView 155
Spatial Analyst extension 155
Etches, R. J. 223
Eurasian Oystercatcher 62, 242
foraging behavior 246
Eurasian Wigeon 361
European (EURING) scheme, The 101
European bird atlases, categories of evidence of
breeding in 9
European Directive 86/609/EEC 215
European Nightjar 51
European Robin 172
euthanasia (culling) 183
methods of 184
dead and dying birds, methodology 181
of eggs/embryos 209
exclosures and changes in food abundance 248–9
exploitation 303–25
adaptive management monitoring system 325
assessment of 303–5

Index| 375
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