Bird Ecology and Conservation A Handbook of Techniques

(Tina Sui) #1

Sitta canadensis 351
size of bird 104–10
skull ossification 100
Skylark 264
Small Indian Mongoose (Herpestes
auropunctatus) 279
Snipe 343
Common 73, 256
Snowy Egret
eggs, cross-fostering 285
translocation 291
soils 255
invertebrates in 264
sound spectrograms 51
Southern Africa, bird atlases for 10
Spanish Imperial Eagle
chick rescue 288
swapping 285
Sparrowhawk 256
Speakman, J. R. 170
in area, finding 4–6
diversity 10
richness, estimating 10–11
tick lists 13
species-by-species density estimation 39
Spice Finch 288
Spix Macaw 296
Spix’s Guan 309
Spoonbill 332
spring traps 90–1
St Lucia Parrot 276
standard effort capture 49
standardizing effort
by McKinnon’s list method 7–8
by time and space 6–7
standard metal rings 120
Starling 276, 340
eggs 80
stationary flocks 45
Steinkamp, M. 20, 45
Sterna paradisaea 161
steroid hormones 224
stickleback 356
Stitchbird 279, 291
Stoat (Mustela erminea) 279
analysis 239
flushing 241
Stonechat 345
Stone Curlew 339
droppings 237
Storm Petrel 51
strata in area of interest 30
selection of 31

stratification 22
of sample locations 3
using 30–5
stratified samples, analysing 33
Streptopelia risoria 292
stress series protocol 223
strontium (Sr) 163
studies, design of 13
Sturnus vulgaris80, 276, 340
suction traps 264
Summers, R.W. 242
Superconducting Quantum Interference
Device (SQUID) 173
surveillance radars 167
boundaries 21–2
and census
comparisons of 2
distinctions between 18
methods, bird diversity 1–14
estimates 135
and movement, estimating 119–36
rates 120–9
estimation of 65
sustainability, ecological
of exploitation 305
Sutherland, W. J. 32, 252, 263
Svensson, L. 100
Swainson’s Hawk, cross-fostering 287
swan-hooks 89
Sweden 212, 215
Swedish Environmental Protection
Agency 212
sweep nets 264
Swiss ringing scheme (Vogelwarte Sempach) 105
Sylvia atricapilla
Sylvia communis 362
Sylvia curruca 362
Sylvia undata 345
systematic sampling 23
Tachycineta bicolor 242
tag attachment
methods for birds, limitations of 146
considerations for 145–8
glued to skin or feathers 148
implanting 145
long-life 155
manufacturers 148
passive integrated tansponder [PIT] 98, 120
relaying GPS data 142
sensors 146

384 |Index

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