United States (cont.)
The Migratory Bird Treaty Act 212
National Park Service 212
Upland Sandpiper 339
Uria lomvia 245
uric acid 171
UTM grid 8
vegetation 257–60
architecture 258
changes, effects of 59
species composition of 258
Venepuncture 218
vertebrate endocrinology 223
Very High Frequency (VHF)
equipment 148
projects, receivers for 149
tagging 144
tags 141
transmission lives available for 142
VetbondTM 221
VLDLs 171
vocal individuality 51–2
volume of blood, United Kingdom
Home Office guidelines 217
Vulnerable species 270
Vultur gryphus 292
Wade, P. R. 306, 317
funnel trap 90
nest traps 90
traps 90
warming, experimental 79–80
Wasler 243
water boatmen (Corixidae) 355
weight of bird 103
of birds used in research 216
ethical, and legislative issues in trapping
and processing 86
Western Europe 10
West Nile virus 180
increasing accessibility of food for birds in
shallow water 356–7
increasing food abundance of birds in
shallow freshwater 354
wetlands, managing 352–60
increasing food abundance for birds in
shallow brackish and saline
water 355–6
manipulating the proportions of open water,
ruderal vegetation, and swamp 352–3
providing islands and rafts 357
reedbeds 357–60
wet woodlands 360
White-bearded Manakin lek 226
White-napped Crane, winter feeding
programs 274
White Stork 170
White-tailed Tropic Bird 275–6
Whitethroat 362
Whitetop Rivergrass (Scolochloa festucacea)
swamps 353
Whooping Crane 119, 292, 295
harvesting and rescuing eggs 281
whoosh-nets 94
Williams, B. K. 119, 127–30
Willow Warblers 162
in hybrid zone in Sweden 163
ringed in Sweden recoveries in Africa 164
wind drift 165
wing-area 106
wing-beat kinematics 172
wing size 104–6
wingspan 106
Winkler, R. 100
Woodcock 256
Wood Duck 360
Woodlark 345
Woodpigeon nests 69
Wood Thrush 75
Wood Warbler 347
World Conservation Strategy 305
World Health Organisation (WHO) 187
Wright, J. 79
WWF’s Living Planet Index 19
Yellowhammer 362
yersinia 277
yolk precursors in the blood 225
Yom-Tov, Y. 79
young birds
“neonatal,” examination of 191
in nest, supportive care of 288
Youngs, W. D. 128
Zonotrichia leucophrys gambelii 175
zoonoses 187, 202
basic rules to reduce spread of 186–7
Zugunruhe 174
Zuk, M. 114
386 |Index