Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1
Chapter 8

[ 203 ]


location /images {

access_log logs/ imagelog;


location /auth {

auth_basic "authorized area";

auth_basic_user_file conf/htpasswd;

deny all;

access_log logs/ authlog;




In the preceding example, there is an access_log declaration for each location, as
well as a different log_format for each access_log declaration. We can determine

which requests made it to each location depending on the entries found in the
corresponding accesslog. If there are no entries in the

access.log file, for example, then we know that no requests reached the /images

location. We can compare the contents of the various log files to see if the variables
are being set to the proper values. For example, if the $imagefile and $image

type variables are empty, the corresponding placeholders in the imagelog format
access_log will be empty.

Common configuration errors

The next step in troubleshooting a problem is to take a look at the configuration,

to see if it actually achieves the goal you are trying to accomplish. NGINX
configurations have been floating around the Internet for a number of years.

Often, they were designed for an older version of NGINX, and to solve a
specific problem. Unfortunately, these configurations are copied without really

understanding the problem they were designed to solve. There is sometimes a

better way to solve the same problem, using a newer configuration.

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