Mastering Nginx

(Ron) #1

Directive Reference

[ 230 ]

Directive Explanation Context/Default

Works with geoip_proxy, to
specify that the last address in a
multivalued X-Forwarded-For
header will be used.

Valid context: http
Default value: off.

gunzip Enables the decompression of
gzipped files when the client
doesn't support gzip.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: off
gunzip buffers Specifies the number and size of
buffers used for decompressing a

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 32
4k|16 8k (platform
gzip Enables or disables the
compression of responses.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location,
if in location
Default value: off
gzip_buffers Specifies the number and size of
buffers used for compressing a

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 32
4k|16 8k (platform
gzip_comp_level The gzip compression level (1-9). Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 1
gzip_disable A regular expression of User-
Agents that shouldn't receive a
compressed response. The special
value msie6 is a shortcut for MSIE
[4-6]\., excluding MSIE 6.0;
... SV1.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: -

gzip_http_version The minimum HTTP version of
a request before compression is

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 1.1
gzip_min_length The minimum length of a response
before compression is considered,
determined by the Content-
Length header.

Valid contexts: http,
server, location
Default value: 20
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