Tropical Forest Community Ecology

(Grace) #1

14 Jérôme Chave


Plot A Plot B

Figure 2.1 Various ways of measurin gthe species
overlap between two sites, plot A and plot B. In this
example, each plot contains five individuals and three
species, two of which are shared between the two plots
(defined ascin the main text). The number of species
only in plot A,a, is equal to one, and the number of
species only in plot B,b, is also one. Thus, for instance,
the Sørensen index isβSørensen= 2 /3, and the Jaccard
index isβJaccard= 2 /5.

Koleffet al.’s approach provides a consistent
framework for comparin gpreviously published
measures of species overlap. However, it veils
a number of samplin gissues: the true num-
ber of species in a landscape is usually larger
than a+b+c unless the two samples are
very large and effectively contain most species
(Colwell and Coddington 1994). In addition,
alpha-diversity tends to be underestimated. A
simple argument can be used to estimate the
influence of these biases on the calculation
of beta-diversity indices. Species accumulation
curves suggest that for larger samples, species
richness is less underestimated than for smaller
ones, henceDγshould in general be less under-
estimated thanDα. Thus, both indices defined
in Equations (2.1) and (2.2) should be overes-
timated. Chaoet al.(2000) devised statistically
unbiased estimates for species overlap between
two communities, when samplin gis accounted
for (see also Magurran 2004). This approach
has seldom been used in tropical plant ecol-
ogy (but see Chazdon et al. 1998). Plotkin
and Muller-Landau (2002) addressed the closely
related question of how well similarity indices

are estimated given that only small fractions of
the total landscape can be sampled, and given
that one knows the local species abundance dis-
tributions and aggregation patterns. They devel-
oped an exact formula for the expected Sørensen
index, and provided methods for estimatin gthe
model’s parameters. Much of this recent work
remains to be introduced into the community
ecologist’s toolbox, and freely available statistical
software may help serve this goal (e.g., EstimateS,,developed
by R.K. Colwell).
Another approach for estimatin gbeta-diversity
is based on species abundance and produces mea-
sures that are generally less biased than those
based on presence/absence data. Local diversity
may be measured as the probability that two indi-
viduals taken at random from the community
belon gto different species, a quantity known in
ecology as the Simpson index. Among-site overlap
may be defined as the probability that two indi-
viduals taken from two communities belon gto
different species. Such a measure of species over-
lap has been used in the literature (Wolda 1981,
Leighet al. 1993, Chave and Leigh 2002) and is
similar to the Morisita–Horn index. DefiningNik
as the number of individuals of speciesiin site
k, thenxik =Nik/

iNikis the relative abun-
dance of speciesiin sitek.The probability that two
individuals, one from sitek, the other from sitel,
both belon gto speciesiisxikxil, hence the proba-
bility that the two individuals belon gto different
species is

Dkl= 1 −


xikxil (2.3)

These indices cannot be simply deduced from
species numbersa,b,cas above. Also, this measure
places the emphasis on abundant species rather
than on rare species and is asymptotically unbi-
ased for large samples. This measure of diversity
has a simple probabilistic interpretation, and it
is formally equivalent to a universally used mea-
sure of local and spatial diversity in the closely
related discipline of population genetics, which
leads to formulas for the additive partitioning
between local and landscape diversity. Nei (1973)
showed that a measure of diversity between two
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