
(C. Jardin) #1


Guidelines for practicing yoga

  • Try to practice yoga in a warm, clean and quiet environment.

  • Burn some incense to induce a meditative mood.

  • Give yourself plenty of time.

  • Do not practice on a full stomach but eat a light snack if feeling hungry.

  • Star t with a sh or t warm-up exercise routine.

  • Practice a few cycles of the Sun Salute.

  • Never strain or over-exert – breathing should be light and gentle throughout.

  • Ease into postures slowly and gently.

  • Hold each posture easily for up to two minutes if this feels comfortable and is relaxing.

  • Always stretch within your own capacity – feel the stretch, ease back slightly and then use the out-
    breath to gently relax further into the stretch –work within your comfort zone.

  • Never force a stretch beyond comfort level – forcing is not yoga.

  • Remember to breathe – do not hold the breath.

  • Breathe out as you bend forwards or restrict the chest area and breathe in when you come out of a
    position or expand the chest area.

  • Allow your attention to rest on the area of the body being stretched and allow it to relax further into the
    stretch on each out-breath.

  • Become one with the body and feel it relaxing – yoga then becomes a form of meditation.

  • The pleasant sensation of stretching and that of pain are very differen t – do not hold a position if
    bordering on painful. Pain felt after coming out of a position indicates over-stretching and is not
    conducive to progress.

  • If pain does occur, stop practicing, lie on your back and rest your awareness on the painful sensatio n –
    breathe into this area and allow the sensation to dissolve and dissipate.

  • If certain positions are uncomfortable at a particular time of day etc miss them out of your routine – t r y
    them again when you feel able.

  • If you attend regular yoga classes and learn positions you’d like to add to your daily routine feel free to
    add them but always remember that a stretch in one direction should be followed by a stretch in the
    opposite direction.

  • After finishing your yoga practice lie on your back for a few minutes and relax.

  • Gentle breathing exercise (pranayama) and meditation may be practiced after a yoga session.

Above all yoga should be fun
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