Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1

Words and language

A pun is a joke that exploits the different possible meanings of a word or image
or the fact that a word or image has different possible meanings.

The pun essentially substitutes one meaning for another within a context, to
give an alternative meaning. For a pun to be effective, a certain level of shared
knowledge or culture is required in order for the viewer to recognise the
alternative meaning. If not, it will appear incongruous and may even look like
an error. Polymath author and journalist Arthur Koestler defined a pun as ‘two
strings of thought tied together by an acoustic knot’, or in the case of a visual
pun, a visual knot.

The word pun
A play on words using alternative meanings of words and word sounds to form
new meanings.

The visual pun
A play on words substituting images for words to form new meanings.

The rebus
Using images to form words based on the nouns they commonly represent.

The word pun
This logo designed by Wolff
Olins features a word pun
whereby ‘Q8’ represents the
oil-rich country, Kuwait.

The visual pun
This visual pun is Milton
Glaser’s classic mark that
substitutes a heart symbol for
the word ‘love’.

The rebus
This IBM poster by Paul Rand
features a rebus; images that
represent the letters of the
company’s name.

Design Thinking



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