Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1

Developing designs

This stage of the design process looks to develop and add flesh to the
bones of the concepts generated at the ideation stage in order to facilitate
the selection process.

Design and communication strategies need to be thought out and developed
to maintain a consistent and coherent line of thought that is repeated and
reinforced through all communications. When this does not occur, there is
incongruity, which can cause confusion in the viewer, and leads one to doubt
or distrust the information received.

Nowhere is message coherence more important than in creating a corporate
or brand identity. The identity created has to reflect and reinforce the stated
aims and purpose of the company, institution or brand in order to maximise
its effectiveness. All organisations seek to differentiate themselves and their
products, and this requires an honest appraisal of their nature in order to
identify and focus on aspects that can serve such a purpose.

Many companies believe that having international status gives them added
credibility: the allure of moving in different markets, having the scale to do so
effectively, access to a wealth of local knowledge and support. But how many
companies actually are international? Most have a strong base in one country,
with perhaps a smaller presence in one or a few others. Even fewer have a
presence on different continents. Incorporating an international theme into a
message may not be an optimal use of a design.

The project briefing and initial research should have identified the key strengths
and direction of the design and it is these that should inform the basis of the
message constructed.

Developing designs

The ideation stage will have generated

various possible solutions to the brief. But

design ideas need to be further developed

to have a more precise handle on the

message that is to be communicated.

Design Thinking



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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

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