Basics Design: Design Thinking

(Ben Green) #1
Client: Guardian News
and Media
Design:Cartlidge Levene
Design thinking: Signage uses
various materials and colour-
coding to create visual effects

Guardian News and Media
These photographs show the creative use of materials by Cartlidge Levene for
the wayfinding and environmental graphics created for a new visual identity at the
new Guardian News and Media offices. Graphic treatments on the glass walls of
offices and meeting rooms enliven the open plan floors and feature word pairings
from CP Scott’s famous 1921 essay, A Hundred Years (written to mark the paper’s
centenary). Words express ‘plurality of opinion’ and create a layering effect when
sliding doors are opened against the static glazed panels. Materials use for the main
entrance sees freestanding 3D letters mounted on poles pushed back and forward
to create a visual effect that changes depending on the viewpoint, but perfectly
aligned when approaching the building. Design Thinking




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Title: Basic Design-Thinking
Client: QPL Size: 160mmx230mm

black text


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