Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

individuals in the stratum or groups is determined by
age-old, traditional, religious values, norms and
principles, which are strong and difficult to change.

Social mobility refers to the movement of individuals and
groups in the social space. Physical mobility is not social
mobility but may contribute to social mobility. Social
mobility may be vertical or horizontal and intra-
generational or intergenerational.

The other aspect of social processes is social change.
The study of social change has been a major concern in
the discipline of sociology. Sociologists are particularly
interested in this dynamic aspect of social system.
Social change refers to large-scale (significant)
alterations in the organization and institution of a
population (a society). A change which is limited to
individuals or certain groups, families, etc, is not a social
change although it is important. However, we cannot
dissociate social and cultural changes for they are
interdependent; social change may bring with it cultural
change, and vice versa.

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