Microsoft Word - sociology_body.doc

(Axel Boer) #1

Pastoral societies: are those whose livelihood is based
on pasturing of animals, such as cattle, camels,
sheep and goats

Planned social change: a conscientious, deliberate
and purposeful action to achieve a determined
change in the part of a client system

Positive Social Control: the mechanisms which involve
rewarding and encouraging those who abide by
the norms

Post-industrial society: This is a society based on
information, services and high technology, rather
than on raw materials and manufacturing

Post-modernism: is a cultural and aesthetic
phenomenon which mainly rejects order and
progress, objective and universal truth; and
supports the need for recognizing and tolerating
different forms of reality.

Post–structuralism: the theory which focuses on the
power of language in constructing knowledge
and identity.

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